“я проверяю” Ответ

Icheck Radio Button

  labelHover: false,
  cursor: true
Jerome Choo

я проверяю

  // 'checkbox' or 'radio' to style only checkboxes or radio buttons, both by default
  handle: '',

  // base class added to customized checkboxes
  checkboxClass: 'icheckbox',

  // base class added to customized radio buttons
  radioClass: 'iradio',

  // class added on checked state (input.checked = true)
  checkedClass: 'checked',

    // if not empty, used instead of 'checkedClass' option (input type specific)
    checkedCheckboxClass: '',
    checkedRadioClass: '',

  // if not empty, added as class name on unchecked state (input.checked = false)
  uncheckedClass: '',

    // if not empty, used instead of 'uncheckedClass' option (input type specific)
    uncheckedCheckboxClass: '',
    uncheckedRadioClass: '',

  // class added on disabled state (input.disabled = true)
  disabledClass: 'disabled',

    // if not empty, used instead of 'disabledClass' option (input type specific)
    disabledCheckboxClass: '',
    disabledRadioClass: '',

  // if not empty, added as class name on enabled state (input.disabled = false)
  enabledClass: '',

    // if not empty, used instead of 'enabledClass' option (input type specific)
    enabledCheckboxClass: '',
    enabledRadioClass: '',

  // class added on indeterminate state (input.indeterminate = true)
  indeterminateClass: 'indeterminate',

    // if not empty, used instead of 'indeterminateClass' option (input type specific)
    indeterminateCheckboxClass: '',
    indeterminateRadioClass: '',

  // if not empty, added as class name on determinate state (input.indeterminate = false)
  determinateClass: '',

    // if not empty, used instead of 'determinateClass' option (input type specific)
    determinateCheckboxClass: '',
    determinateRadioClass: '',

  // class added on hover state (pointer is moved onto input)
  hoverClass: 'hover',

  // class added on focus state (input has gained focus)
  focusClass: 'focus',

  // class added on active state (mouse button is pressed on input)
  activeClass: 'active',

  // adds hoverClass to customized input on label hover and labelHoverClass to label on input hover
  labelHover: true,

    // class added to label if labelHover set to true
    labelHoverClass: 'hover',

  // increase clickable area by given % (negative number to decrease)
  increaseArea: '',

  // true to set 'pointer' CSS cursor over enabled inputs and 'default' over disabled
  cursor: false,

  // set true to inherit original input's class name
  inheritClass: false,

  // if set to true, input's id is prefixed with 'iCheck-' and attached
  inheritID: false,

  // set true to activate ARIA support
  aria: false,

  // add HTML code or text inside customized input
  insert: ''
Annoying Alligator

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