“Как показывать рекламу каждую секунду трепета” Ответ

Как показывать рекламу каждую секунду трепета

import 'dart:async'; // <-- put  it on very top of your file

Timer _timerForInter; // <- Put this line on top of _MyAppState class

void initState() {
  // Add these lines to launch timer on start of the app
  _timerForInter = Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 20), (result) {
  _interstitialAd = createInterstitialAd()..load();

 void dispose() {
   // Add these to dispose to cancel timer when user leaves the app
Brave Booby

показывая рекламу каждые x секунд трепетать

import 'dart:async'; // <-- put  it on very top of your file

Timer _timerForInter; // <- Put this line on top of _MyAppState class

void initState() {
  // Add these lines to launch timer on start of the app
  _timerForInter = Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 20), (result) {
  _interstitialAd = createInterstitialAd()..load();

 void dispose() {
   // Add these to dispose to cancel timer when user leaves the app
Brave Booby

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